7/29 New Life Government School 四日營
7/29 貝貝們來到了New Life Government School舉辦為期四日的資訊教育營,這間小學的學生大多數不曾接觸過電腦,從他們雀躍且迫不及待進入教室的表現,可以看出他們十分期待這四天的課程。 在開幕式時,一開始的破冰遊戲與營歌教唱,拉近了小朋友與我們之間的距離,破冰遊戲"Name tempo"讓大家更加熟記日後四日營戰友們的稱呼,營歌"Count on me"也讓大家更加團結,互助合作。 緊接著開幕式,第一堂課簡單介紹了關於電腦的基本知識,從電腦的硬體開始,帶著小朋友們了解滑鼠、鍵盤、CPU是什麼,而後關於桌面與應用程式等關於軟體方面的解說,讓他們能開始熟悉免費作業系統Ubuntu的使用介面,看著他們專注學習的神情,我們相信這堂電腦課一定讓他們印象十分深刻! 下午是精彩刺激的益智遊戲課程-五子棋,規則簡單容易上手,再加上只需要一張紙一枝筆就能開始進行遊戲,不管是大朋友小朋友都玩得十分盡興呢!最後舉辦的各組PK賽也讓氣氛炒熱到最高點,今天的營期也就在掌聲之下結束了。 經過了這一天,孩子們對電腦開始有了初步的了解,打好基礎後,將會更容易理解營隊接下來幾天的資訊應用課程呢! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From 7/29 to 8/1, We hold a four-day camp on New Life Government School to teach children there how to use computer. During the camp, we are going to make sure that all participants would have abilities to use computer to do several things, such as the ability to present themselves and the ability to search information they want to know. Besides, there are also some Taiwanese cultural courses that we have prepared to share with them, such as calligraphy and gobang. Each cultural course represents Taiwanese spirit and traditions. Through this camp, we get an opportunity to exchange and communicate with Belizean. Hoping that after the camp, Children can find the happiness of learning and enjoy seeking the truth and knowledge, and continue learning in their lifetime!